Space and Time

By:  Greg
March 22, 2012

There may be no better representations of the infinite in our lives than space and time.
space and time

Eluding definition, puzzling us for centuries, yet strangely ever-present, it seems as though space and time extend beyond any finite boundary. If I may be so bold: space and time are infinite.
beyond any finite boundary

The good news is that at least we know something about these two beasts, because beyond their infinitude, the ontology of space and time is famously slippery.
famously slippery

Indeed, it’s hard to answer the question: “What are space and time exactly?”
what are space and time exactly?

In a universe that’s made of “stuff” or “substance” such as air, earth and snow, space and time are distinctly not substances. They are of another class of things; a disconnected subset of all ontologies.
alone in the set of ontologies

But what types of things are they? Perhaps space and time are only ideas; figments of our consciousness that serve merely to ground our experiences.
figmens of our consciousness

Indeed, consciousness is so finely tuned to space and time (what a coincidence that the mind is so perfectly tuned to space and time!), it’s tempting to believe they may actually be the same stuff.
space, time, consciousness: the same?

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Read about the author:   Greg


  1. Jake
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 12:11 am  

    Great piece. Almost entirely over my head, but very enjoyable and well put together. High Five.

  2. DrFunker
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 5:13 am  
  3. Lionel Hutz
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 6:39 am  

    Couldn’t predetermination proceed non-linearly?
    And does space affect time? It would seem to me that while we can’t affect space or time, perhaps they can effect each other….

    • Greg
      wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 7:12 am  

      Yes it can, but it’s extremely unlikely, and in addition, it appears that IF predetermination is valid, and ALSO time is non-linear, there would be a sensible isomorphism of time’s cadence that makes it linear, and so we might as well call it linear. For instance, our experience certainly dictates a linear progression through the timeline. Moreover, predetermination–if it exists–absolutely evidences (beyond a reasonable doubt, if you will) that the progression through the timeline is linear also. So let’s say the progression is not linear. Well, since consciousness and predetermination both are playing by “linearity”, for literally ALL intents and purposes we can rescale the progression of the timeline by an orientation-preserving isomorphism, and call it linear. Such possibilities prima facie strongly indicate linearity, and with no arguments based on empirical or deductive fact against linearity, a fortiori prove it.

    • Lionel Hutz
      wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 11:51 am  

      isomorphism is the word of the day it seems.

  4. Steve
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 7:39 am  

    I’ve talked determinism and other such philosophical problems on TSW but never wrapped it so well into a TR. Bravo.

    Infinite time is the only thing keeping determinism from making 100% total sense. So I just ignore that part and focus on the human experience: that free will is most likely an illusion even though our personal experience of conscious thought and will informs us otherwise. In the end, it is all the same experiences either way. :)

    • Greg
      wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 7:42 am  

      They constitute a benign mystery. :D

      link me up to some of the TRs on TSW where you were working on this. I’m curious to take a read!

    • Steve
      wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 5:20 pm  
      8 seems to most likely fit the bill though I have a category containing a few philosophical posts — none of these mix in TRs though… I am sure I linked in some philosophy to TRs at some point but I can’t think of any off the top of my head.

  5. Talbert
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 9:10 am  

    Greg that was brilliant.

  6. powhounddd
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 12:20 pm  

    Beauty, eh. Well-constructed ideas and well-selected photos put together. Thanks for that.

  7. Christian
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 12:53 pm  

    does this have anything to do with you switching to the new facebook timeline?

    • sam@work
      wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 5:02 pm  


  8. this is
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 2:24 pm  

    this is a provocative piece. Very cool, truly the best yet from you guys..

  9. NS
    wrote on March 23rd, 2012 at 9:06 pm  

    Full on use of a liberal arts education….

    Midd Kid in full effect…..

  10. snowicerock
    wrote on March 24th, 2012 at 10:12 pm  

    Not to mention full on use of the old flipperoo on the chimney sweeper!

    • Greg
      wrote on March 30th, 2012 at 9:38 pm  

      Think of it as an isomorphism of space and time

  11. bushman
    wrote on March 25th, 2012 at 8:22 am  

    ok, after reading that, feeling the need for multi-hour drive to Jay for new snow tomorrow to catch couple runs before summer. thanks to all at FIS for great photos of hairy ravines tamed by your crew all season.

    • Greg
      wrote on March 30th, 2012 at 9:37 pm  

      Stoked to hear this provoked a ski trip, I’m assuming you were just trying to get away from the computer you read this on as fast as possible? XD

  12. Ben
    wrote on March 27th, 2012 at 7:56 pm  

    Absolutely marvelous work! The composition was excellent on its own, but the way you used skiing as a backdrop for your discussion was brilliant. wow. More snow cannot come soon enough…

    • Greg
      wrote on March 30th, 2012 at 9:38 pm  

      Thanks Ben! I’m glad you enjoyed “something different.”

      Haven’t heard from you in a while. Hope lifes treating you well…

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