The Juuux

September 23, 2012

Good scenery in the shadow of Hayden Peak.

We peeled at the top of the powder triangle, named for it’s discerning shape as viewed from the yurt.

Uncle Perry dumped himself in first, and got neck deep and partially exposed.

Yeeeehaw, the sun was setting and Carolyn went in next.

We schussed it back down to the Yurt. After a long haul up, lots of skiing, we were ready from some brews and some chow. The Admiral pulled up at the door, and gave his show of approval – the thumbs up – next to our surplus of hard earned brews.

Ben proudly repping his #omniten.

The crew threw our gear every which way, and we got down to business.

Dinner was a big hit, lots of brews, and part of the team decided it’d be rude not to go for a late night lap of the triangle.  With beacons tied to shovels hung inside of the jackets, the team left the yurt for a quick mission.

Hard to say if the headlamps or the moon was brighter!

It could have been the Northern Lights or it could have been the faint ghost-like shadow of a green jacket!

Either way, Noah’s pictures paint a vivid picture – night powder schussing!!

We slept soundly, and woke to delicious breakfast. Our crew decided to split into two, so we weren’t trying to be avy safe in groups of 12.  With smaller groups we took off for the surrounding terrain.

Ben’s team found their way up to the shoulder of Hayden Peak and schussed through one of its many chutes into the adjoining valley.

Without any company it wasn’t hard to find some prime lines.

The further into the valley they descended, the wider and mellower the terrain got.

Meanwhile, our team was exploring a different, but equally exciting place.  I’ll let this sequence do itself justice, but we found nice little powder-pillow-paradise.

Perry showing us exactly how it’s done.

Sweet baby Jesus, would you just take a look at that bota bag!

Perry wasn’t the only one who wanted to enjoy the Nestea Plunge into the pow.

Carolyn wanted to have some fun too!

Unfortunately, Perry overextended his Dyanfit toe piece on his way down. It was repairable, but not without tools we had in the yurt. We nursed Perry through some terrain that he could only shuffle through, and got the distressed binding back to the work bench.

This turned into drinking whiskey out of funny mugs in the yurt!

Continue on to page 3 for more about the Juuux!


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Read about the author:   Porter Haney
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Cold Town, Winter in the City


  1. Dwyer
    wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 9:09 am  

    Looks like perry is really getting juuuxed by that skin.

    • Ben
      wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 11:35 am  

      Please. Juuuxt!

  2. The Sneak
    wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 11:22 am  

    Your life is better than mine. :(

  3. jumping jimmy
    wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 12:23 pm  

    Nice TR, thanks for posting!

  4. The Gnarwhale
    wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 12:47 pm  
    “juuux isn’t defined yet.” better remedy that!

    Looks like a killer trip!

  5. coach
    wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 1:36 pm  

    that kid perry’s style is ferocious. great write up guys. looks like you had a pretty memorable trip.

  6. christian
    wrote on September 24th, 2012 at 7:25 pm  

    the only juuux i see in this TR is the absence of DWAYNE HAYNE.

  7. road trip
    wrote on September 29th, 2012 at 7:27 pm  

    This quenches my thirst in between magazine arrivals in the mail. FKNA. Great trip.

  8. Pat
    wrote on October 15th, 2012 at 8:25 pm  

    looks awesome! When were you guys up there?

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