Western Roadshow — Part I

By:  Jake
May 2, 2012

Unfortunately, Dan got a little too RAD and tweaked his knee. But he is on the mend.

That is the magic of Senor Tecate.

The mountains here are wonderful. Part of what makes this area so unique are the tiny little towns that have sprung up due to one mining boom or another. Some towns have vanished, but others persevere despite serious isolation.

There is no shortage of eye candy here in the southwestern corner of Colorado. We are plotting.

I got to ski a couple days with Jack Brauer of Mountainphotographer.com. We had ourselves some fun making great corn turns.

Not to mention, this Yankee got to show the local Cowboy some eastern-style unconventional terrain ascension.

If you like great photography from mountain playgrounds all over the world, check out Jack’s site. It is pretty sweet, and if nothing else, his name is oh-so-close to the protagonist of 24.

I have got a few more weeks out on the road, and hopefully some more places to visit. But there are certain objectives here that I have been eyeing for a number of years. This may be the season we make them happen. Of course, I will keep you all posted on what we get “up” to.

I am sure there is still some snow left back East to help pass the Spring for all my friends back home. And if not, at least there are some killer deals on ski gear courtesy of a sub par winter. (Seriously… OGE is having some ridiculous sales this spring on gear)

Thanks for reading FIS. I promise I will get a decent camera and some editing skills soon, but until then; Stay tuned, and EAT UP!!!

All Photos, unless otherwise credited, by Jake Evans or Dan Chehayl.

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Read about the author:   Jake
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  1. Sam
    wrote on May 3rd, 2012 at 1:32 am  

    Wow it is dry looking in CO. looks like some fun turns in that chute though

  2. powhounddd
    wrote on May 3rd, 2012 at 11:39 am  

    way more schuss than our backyard!! Look forward to more of this fine trip reporting. Thanks!!

  3. Jake
    wrote on May 3rd, 2012 at 12:25 pm  

    Dry for sure. I have never seen it like this before. Just another testament to the curious case of the missing 11-12 winter. For most places, at least. Hopefully things can come together for a couple more lines I have my sights set on before following the mountains north (and west).

    Thanks Powhounddd. I hope to get some more up in the near future.

  4. savant
    wrote on May 15th, 2012 at 2:00 pm  

    good warm weather diversion – thanks for the post

  5. Peter
    wrote on May 20th, 2012 at 3:24 pm  

    Ah, the road trip. To sleep, perchance to schuss. Great story and pictures Thanks for posting.

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