Schuss Forest; Schuss!!

By:  Greg
December 31, 2012

We wandered around, and even crossed paths with some other woodland-wanderers. Smiles and “hellos” were exchanged, but everyone was there to enjoy the quietness of the woods, and we parted ways. For lap two KC and I broke off from the group a bit and found a little shot in the forest for her to schuss. As I aimed left and saw nothing, out of the corner of my right eye came KC who went way far schussers’s left of where I was expecting her to go (I guess I was using “cameraman’s left” by accident). Not to worry though, she found her own little slice of heaven, and I caught a glimpse of her through the trees nonetheless. I like how the shot came out despite the juuux.
KC through the trees

Lower down the character of the forest changed. The trees became further apart, and grew skinnier and taller. The skiing remained extremely fun however.
the skiing stayed fun

The Curmudgeon just couldn’t keep up appearances and had to crack a grin!
the curmudgeon cracking a grin

cracking a grin.

After wandering around a bit more, and finding some good forests, some bad, some whippey, and some wet, the witching hour struck (AKA 3:15PM, which was our designated “GTFO” time with a sunset at 4PM this time of year), and we started making our way back to the car cold, tired, and satisfied; but not before one last descent to schuss forest; schuss!
schuss the forest! schuss!

schuss the forest! Schuss!

When we got back to the car near sunset, our fingers were freezing, our faces were smiling, our keys were locked in the car (but that’s another story), and a note was left in our windshield wiper:
note on the windshield
We must be doing something right… ;) Your secret is safe with us woodland-wanderers!

Thanks for reading FIS! Have a great new year, and we’ll see you in 2013 with more snow-weather information/forecasts, and some of the best snow-stoke a click-of-the-mouse can buy!

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Read about the author:   Greg
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: A PNW Summer – Part 2


  1. Roger K
    wrote on December 31st, 2012 at 12:07 pm  

    This weekend did not suck.

    • Greg
      wrote on December 31st, 2012 at 12:10 pm  


  2. icelanticskier
    wrote on January 1st, 2013 at 6:15 pm  

    hmmmm, vermonts version of no blog zone;)

    private skinner my a$$. lol!!!

    nice woods wanderings, gang.


    • Greg
      wrote on January 2nd, 2013 at 4:56 pm  

      ha! well, the note could have been a lot meaner, and we all agreed the author had a point.

      coulda used some super light fishscale gear in hear rog to speed up our wanderingz!

  3. road trip / Gary
    wrote on January 5th, 2013 at 10:35 pm  

    I don’t think that note said not to come back…… great find! Love the pics…. The snow was pleasantly adhering to the branches for added ambiance. :)

  4. Anonymous
    wrote on January 7th, 2013 at 8:23 am  

    hey rog, did you ever consider that it could actually be private property, and in that case I think it is called trespassing. because it is the case with the spot these guys were at. I am friends with the landowner!

  5. Butch Chamberlain
    wrote on January 8th, 2013 at 8:40 am  

    Private land in Vermont can be an issue. Sometimes syrup goes further than honey in this state. Vermont has, in some places, large tracks of great bc stuff but one has to be ever vigilant about where these places are. I believe that note was just a nice way of saying we really don’t want hordes of people using this area. And also the aforementioned sentiment, they didn’t say don’t return, they just don’t want a lot of traffic on the land. And unless you can figure out where this place is, then it shouldn’t be problem. We don’t live free or die in Vermont, we just try to live.

  6. Anonymous
    wrote on January 8th, 2013 at 4:02 pm  

    true, but it usually goes something like this, for every person that skis a great spot in the woods they go back with at least three of their friends, and those three friends, each take three more people and so it goes, getting skied by exponentially more people, but what are you gonna do, it’s hard to do anything about the way this unfolds. That is what seems to happen to so many of the place I ski in vt that used to be quiet. Hopefully greg and co will keep this one in only each others company.

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